Upload Film to Contestant’s Personal FilmFreeway Account

a.  Log into personal FilmFreeway account.

    (1)  FYI: in the account, the registered account holder is identified as the “Submitter” of the film.

    (2) FYI: FilmFreeway identies your film as a “Project”.

b.   You will either directed to:

     (1) “add a Project” page or

       (2) “My Projects” page, where you select “Add a Project”.

c. On the “Add a Project” page, provide the following:

   (1) Section 1: Project Information

      (a) Project Type: select “Film/Video”

      (b) Project Title: Name Film

      (c) Brief Synopsis: Provide a summary of the film.

         (i) If box is checked for “My Project also has a non- English Title and Synopsis”, bars are provided for a non-English Project Title and Brief Synopsis

         (ii) If you wish, provide Website, Facebook, X, and Instagram addresses.

         (iii) Provide other information requested.

   (2) Section 2: Submitter Information, if necessary.     

      (a) Select> Edit Submitter Information.

          (i) Provide all Submitter information requested.

   (3) Section 3: Credits.

      (a) If you wish, provide the remaining information that applies.

      (b) You may not need to complete all categories.

      (d) You can include additional persons, and if you wish, in additional credits sections.

   (4) Section 4: Specifications.

       (a) Provide the below-required information

           (i) “Project Type”: Select Short, Student, and othersthat apply.

           (ii) “Genres”: Identify the Contest genre you selected

           (iii) “Run-Time”

           (iv) “Completion Date”

            (v) “Language”: click on box for drop down selection lists.

            (vi) “Color”

            (vii) “Student Project”: select Yes (VERY IMPORTANT)

            (viii) First-Time Filmmaker: select Yes or No

      (b) You are not required to provide other information.

   (5) Section 5: Screenings/ Distribution: Do not complete.

d. At the bottom of Page, Select> “Save Project”. 

   (1) A “Saving Project” message will appear.

   (2) Box will appear stating “Congratulations, your project has been created.”

e. Select> “Add Project File” to submit/upload your film.

f. An “Add Online Screener Box” will appear.

   (1) Select> “Chose File”.

      (a) Locate and select film file on your device.

      (b) Uploading begins. A status bar will immediately appear.

g. When the film file completes uploading, the statement “Congrats, your video is processing. Processing may take several minutes to a few hours depending on the file size. In the meanwhile, you can browse festivals and start submitting your Project (film).”

h. Once the film is processed, a page will appear stating: 

   (1) “Congrats, your video is ready! Refresh this page to watch your video.”

   (2) Refresh the page.

i. Once the page is refreshed, your film will appear in an Online Screener Box.

   (1) You can play the film if you wish.   

   (2) Located above the Online Screener Box, under the film’s name, are selections to manage your film, now known as a “Project”.   

   (3) Select “Project File”   

   (4) You should see a selection to upload a still frame/photo to represent your film. You may wish to add a still frame/photo.j. Your film is ready for uploading into the Film Contest. The film submission period ends at TBA

k. Instructions to upload your film to the Contest are located at Upload Film to Contest page. 


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