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Film Judging Process

a. Contest Schedule After Film Submission Period Ends

   (1) Following termination of the film submission period, each Contestant will be advised of
NELSAC’s schedule and process for evaluating films for contest eligibility and film judging for
contest awards.

   (2) The schedule may continue into the TBA, but will be completed as quickly as possible.

b. Film Judges

   (1) Eligible films will be judged for awards by a panel of judges.

 Judges will:

         (i) have film experience,

        (ii) be well versed in film

        (iii) or interested in film.

   (3) Public figures may serve as film judges.

c.   Each Contestant’s film will be viewed and judged for awards through FilmFreeway’s secure

online HD video screener.

d. Criteria for Judging Films

   (1) To assist in understanding how judges may evaluate eligible films, a Contestant may

consider the below film aspects. These film aspects are not all-inclusive.

      (a) Concept: original, age-appropriate, diverse audience

      (b) Content: cohesion, relevancy, insightfulness, cleverness, totality of information

      (c) Narrative Structure: logical development of the story, well-planned, unity, clarity of

message, imagination.

      (d) Presentation: directing, screenplay, camera angles, costumes, sets, voice-overs,


Performance: quality of music, acting, singing, rapping, movement, in-front-of-

camera, communication.

Editing: the assembly of scenes and angles supportive of the theme.

      (g) Lighting: supportive of the theme, enhance the work.

      (h) Sound: quality appropriate, detract or enhance.

      (i) Special effects: enhance the work?

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