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Please Donate Funds to NELSAC through PayPal.  Thanking you in Advance!



Create a Personal FilmFreeway Account

a. Contestant must create a personal FilmFreeway account before registering to participate in the contest.

   (1) FilmFreeway requires the registered account holder to be at least 18 years old of age. If the Contestant is a:
      (a) Single Student, who is less than 18 years old, a parent or guardian must be the registered account holder.
      (b) Student Group and all students in the Student Group are less than 18 years old, a parent or guardian of one of the Students in the Student Group must be the registered account holder. However, if one of the Students in the Student Group is 18 years or older, that Student may be the registered account holder.

b. On FilmFreeway’s home page, select> “Sign Up”
   (1) Select> “Sign Up with Email”
   (2) Enter name, email, and password and select > “I want to submit my work or get tickets to festivals.”
   (3) Select button> “Sign Up with Email”

 c. You will either be directed to:
    (1) “Add a Project” page or
    (2) “My Projects” page

    (1) You will log in later to upload your finished film (Project) into the

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          NELSAC is the Northeast Leon Society for Arts & Culture

   Experience Arts & Culture Where You Live!


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