<—Go Back Please Donate Funds to NELSAC through PayPal. Thanking You in Advance! NELSAC STUDENT SHORT FILM CONTESTGenresa. A film shall be one of the following genres: (1) Comedy (2) Documentary (3) Drama (4) Music/Dance (5) Science Fiction, including subgenres Fantasy and Super Hero (6) Sports (7) America’s Military Veteran(s)b. For information on film genres and sub-genres, see AMC FILM SITE at:https://www.filmsite.org/genres.html– search for Genres. Documentary definitionsare found on the web.c. If two or less films are submitted in a genre by all Contestants, NELSAC may placeeach film in another genre.d. If a film is not suitable for the genre selected by the Contestant, NELSAC will placethe film in a suitable genre.